Supporting Proactive Behavioral Health Outreach Programs to Improve Mental and Behavioral Health Outcomes


In partnership with Johnson County, Kansas (JoCo) and Douglas County, Kansas (DoCo), our goal is to support caseworkers address mental health needs in their respective counties.  JoCo and DoCo caseworkers and service providers are critical to improving overall community well-being and preventing these deaths of despair. However, identifying people in need of assistance is hampered [...]

Aequitas: Bias and Fairness Audit Toolkit


An open source bias audit toolkit for machine learning developers, analysts, and policymakers to audit machine learning models for discrimination and bias, and make informed and equitable decisions around developing and deploying predictive risk-assessment tools.



An open source machine learning toolkit to help data scientists, machine learning developers, and analysts quickly prototype, build and evaluate end-to-end predictive risk modeling systems for public policy and social good problems.

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